A Note From Our CEO

The future of wound care in the long-term acute care hospital setting is a troubling concern. Without a clear vision and plan for dealing with impending changes to admission requirements for wounds and acceptance of IPPS patients, some fear that LTACHS will no longer be able to provide the critical capabilities they offer to patients with limb and life-threatening wounds.

The National Association of Long Term Hospitals (NALTH) is conducting a wound care symposium in San Antonio, TX on September 28-29, 2015. At this conference I will be giving a presentation specifically devoted to addressing these concerns. In this presentation I will show how viable and profitable wound care remains in the LTAC setting.  To attend this event, please go to the NALTH website:http://www.nalth.com

My company, WoundCentrics, LLC has spent more than a year systematically preparing for these changes, so that our clients can continue to prosper, grow, and deliver impeccable care within their markets Let us show you how to plan for your facility’s future.

I look forward to seeing you in San Antonio.

Marcus Gitterle, M.D.
CEO, WoundCentrics