WoundCentrics is a wound care services company located in Texas that offers wound care management services to acute and post-acute care hospitals. WoundCentrics offers both inpatient and outpatient wound care management programs. The WoundCentrics business model and philosophy is to meet the needs of the Hospital and the community that wants state-of-the-art wound care programs across the hospital and community’s continuum of care. Our specialized programs are customized for both the hospital inpatient wound care program and outpatient wound care center.
WoundCentrics can provide individualized services including physicians, advanced practice providers and nursing staff for the hospital's wound care programs. We can also tailor full management or support services for a hospital's delivery of care through our specially trained wound care providers.
Wound Care University is a subsidiary of WoundCentrics that provides clinical education and wound care training for health care providers using an evidence-based, advanced clinical approach to care. The WoundCentrics providers are available to work in your hospital to deliver quality wound care services. Wound Care University also offers CEUs and CNEs for their educational programs.
For more information on WoundCentrics, Wound Care University or partnering for your inpatient or outpatient wound care program, please explore our website or call 281-989-5398.
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Let WoundCentrics help your facility become a Wound Care Center for Excellence