Offering HBOT as part of an LTAC service mix can strongly differentiate an LTAC within a local or regional marketplace, but this marketplace advantage comes with financial and management challenges that dissuade most LTACs from offering a hyperbaric service line.

Traditionally, HBOT has been viewed as a necessary evil by LTACs whom embrace this complex and expensive clinical capability. Why? HBOT is expensive to deploy, expensive to manage, and frankly, does little or nothing to directly enhance the bottom line of most LTACs that offer this service line.

We believe that HBOT can be delivered in a way that actually drives LTAC revenue, while enhancing referrals, without significant capital expenditures. WoundCentrics can deliver a profitable HBOT program within your LTAC, providing state-of-the-art care, full stewardship of inpatient woundcare, proprietary program optimization services, without capital expenditures on the part of your facility.

What does a WoundCentrics LTAC HBOT program look like? While there is no "one size fits all" solution in healthcare today, an optimal HBOT facility for your LTAC will provide you with the capability to deliver revenue neutral hyperbaric oxygen therapy to inpatients, while deriving perennial profits and referrals from a thriving outpatient woundcare program.

Best of all, our risk shifting model places the burden on us to realize the many benefits of HBOT within your LTAC facilities. All too often, HBOT has been a losing proposition in the LTAC. WoundCentrics, LLC is committed to changing this dynamic, by creating programs that drive referrals, enhance patient care, strongly differentiate LTACs within their markets, and provide strong outpatient services revenue. All this without encumbering capital, or creating complicated and expensive internal management structures, or increasing the cost of inpatient care.

Let our experts analyze your site-specific HBOT opportunities. A WoundCentrics, LLC HBOT clinic may be the key to vaulting your facilities to the top, within their regional markets.