WoundCentrics’ Chief Operating Officer, Stuart Oertli, was invited by Astellas Pharma to participate in the company’s national broadcast for transitions of care for patients with invasive fungal infections. Given his background in healthcare administration throughout the acute and post-acute continuum of care, Oertli was a natural fit to discuss the challenges faced by healthcare providers in ensuring timely, safe and cost-effective transitions of care. The panel also includes Dr. Mark Levis, an oncologist from Johns Hopkins, Melissa Johnson, an infectious disease pharmacist from Duke University Medical Center and Laura Ostrowsky, Director of Case Management at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center.
Although the program is specifically geared towards transitions of care for patients with invasive fungal infections, the material applies to antimicrobial stewardship and transitions through the continuum of care in general. Antimicrobial stewardship is a growing concern in healthcare and a focus for WoundCentrics given our role across the post-acute continuum of care.
WoundCentrics’ new ABX Steward program engages clinicians, including both physicians and pharmacists, as well as healthcare administrators to utilize CDC recommendations and evidence based practices in their antimicrobial prescribing practices.
Utilizing state-of-the-art software, ABX Steward enables your facility to capture key clinical data and deliver HIPAA-compliant patient information to our on-call panel of world-class antibiotic stewardship experts. Their best-practice recommendation is then delivered to the facility within one business day.
Unlike on-site ID physician-based programs, ABX Steward is extremely cost-effective. Whereas typical on-site programs are associated with hefty, per-hour review fees and schedule-based review timing, the ABX Steward system is always ready for consultation and monthly system costs are a fraction of typical on-site review programs.
To view the Astrellas Pharma, US Transitions of Care national broadcast this Thursday, April 14th, you can click on this link www.AstellasNB.com to register.
To find out more about ABX Steward, please call 210/701-0909 or click here to reach the Contact page on our website.