WoundCentrics of New Braunfels, Texas, has announced they will be a participating sponsor
of the National Association of Long Term Hospital (NALTH) Fall 2017 Leadership Conference in
Washington, DC Thursday September 14 – Friday, September 15, 2017.
The NALTH bi-annual conference event will be held at the Omni Shoreham in Washington, DC
and will focus on the initiative to move to a unified payment system and the new
qualification rules for patients.
A “Policy and Advocacy Update” will be provided by Lane Koenig, PhD NALTH Director of
Policy & Research and President KNG Health Consulting and John Sheiner, NALTH Legislative
WoundCentrics is an established Advocate Level Sponsor of NALTH and will have a marketing
booth in the display area at the Fall Leadership Conference to discuss their Specialized
Wound Care Program designed specifically for the LTACH and Post Acute facilities.
“WoundCentrics continues to evolve its strategies for promoting profitability and patient
outcomes related to wound care,” explained Stuart Oertli, Chief Operating Officer for
WoundCentrics. “As CMS shifts its post-acute care reimbursement strategies, we have
observed that compliant patients with wound care needs are being admitted at and even
higher rate than before payment reform, presenting an ongoing opportunity for the LTACH to
be paid for providing appropriate wound care.
Oertli continued, “Maximizing reimbursement from these patients is one of the few proven
ways to offset the revenue lost due to recent payment reform and NALTH has proven a key
strategy for WoundCentrics to stay informed and ahead of the changes to ensure ongoing
success for our clients.”
WoundCentrics was formed in 2012 to provide aligned wound care services in the post acute
market. The on-going changes in health care have brought heightened scrutiny to patient
care and more specifically to wound care. WoundCentrics provides a specialized wound
program that includes an emphasis for best practices, improved outcomes and cost-effective
care. The WoundCentrics clinical and business model will deliver the appropriate care and
cost advantages that post acute facilities are seeking in today’s demanding health care
market under ever changing qualification rules for patients.