Carolinas ContinueCARE Hospitals in the Charlotte, North Carolina market have contracted with
WoundCentrics of New Braunfels, Texas for specialized wound care services in their 3 area
Carolinas ContinueCARE Hospitals provide care to patients with complex medical conditions
who need specialized treatment and services that often require extended hospitalization of 25
days or more. The patients treated at the Carolinas ContinueCARE Hospital often have multiple
system illness including problem, complex wounds.
“Our specialized wound care program will provide comprehensive, multidisciplinary care
coordinated with skilled teams of physicians, nurses, therapists, dietitians, social workers, case
managers, pharmacists and other professionals – all working together on every aspect of
patient care. The WoundCentrics specialized wound care program will add focused quality
wound care that will benefit the Carolinas ContinueCARE Hospital patients and the
community,” stated Stuart Oertli, COO of WoundCentrics.
WoundCentrics is providing specialized wound care under the supervision of the System Wound
Care Medical Director at Carolinas ContinueCARE Hospital at Pineville, Carolinas ContinueCARE
Hospital at University and Carolinas ContinueCare Hospital at Kings Mountain.
WoundCentrics is a wound services company that provides clinical care to post-acute facilities.
For more information on Carolinas ContinueCARE Hospitals vie the website at
